Write C# Program to enter month number and print number of days in month


Write C# Program to enter month number and print number of days in month. I have used Visual Studio 2012 for debugging purpose. But you can use any version of visul studio as per your availability..

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
public class csharpExercise
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int month;
        Console.WriteLine("Enter month number (1-12): ");
        month = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());        
        if (month == 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : January \nNo. of days : 31 days");
        else if (month == 2)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : February \nNo. of days : 28 or 29 days");
        else if (month == 3)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : March \nNo. of days : 31 days");
        else if (month == 4)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : April \nNo. of days : 30 days");
        else if (month == 5)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : May \nNo. of days : 31 days");
        else if (month == 6)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : June \nNo. of days : 30 days");
        else if (month == 7)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : July \nNo. of days : 31 days");
        else if (month == 8)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : August \nNo. of days : 31 days");
        else if (month == 9)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : September \nNo. of days : 30 days");
        else if (month == 10)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : October \nNo. of days : 31 days");
        else if (month == 11)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : November \nNo. of days : 30 days");
        else if (month == 12)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter month : December \nNo. of days : 31 days"); ;
            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input! Please enter month number between (1-12).");


Write C# Program to enter month number and print number of days in month
Write C# Program to enter month number and print number of days in month

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