Write C++ Program to check whether two matrices are equal or not


I have used CodeBlocks compiler for debugging purpose. But you can use any C++ programming language compiler as per your availability.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define size 2 // Matrix size declaration
int main()
    int A[size][size];
    int B[size][size];
    int row, col, isEqual;
    // Input elements in first matrix from user
    cout<<"Enter elements in matrix A of size "<<size<<" x "<<size<<"\n";
    for(row=0; row<size; row++)
        for(col=0; col<size; col++)
    // Input elements in second matrix from user
    cout<<"Enter elements in matrix B of size"<<size<<" x "<<size<<"\n";
    for(row=0; row<size; row++)
        for(col=0; col<size; col++)
    // Assumes that the matrices are equal
    isEqual = 1;
    for(row=0; row<size; row++)
        for(col=0; col<size; col++)
            //If the corresponding entries of matrices are not equal
            if(A[row][col] != B[row][col])
                isEqual = 0;
     * Checks the value of isEqual
     * As per our assumption if isEqual contains 1 means both are equal
     * If it contains 0 means both are not equal
    if(isEqual == 1)
        cout<<"\nMatrix A is equal to Matrix B";
        cout<<"\nMatrix A is not equal to Matrix B";
    return 0;


Write C++ Program to check whether two matrices are equal or not
Write C++ Program to check whether two matrices are equal or not

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