Write a query to display the first name of all students who have both an “a” and “e” in their first name


The following exercise will help you to improve your SQLite query skills effectively. I have used DB Browser for sqlite for following exercise.

student_id first_name last_name email mobile_number admission_date admission_fee branch branch_id
1. Mike Brown [email protected] 875695632 12-06-2013 15000 Computer Science 100
2 Chris Lee [email protected] 789652369 05-06-2012 18000 Computer Science 100
3 David Jones [email protected] 965412369 01-07-2013 14000 Mechanical Engineering 200
4 Michael Johnson [email protected] 845632136 22-08-2014 25000 Mechanical Engineering 200
5 Tom Cruise [email protected] 789563245 09-06-2013 15000 Civil Engineering 300
6 Mary Smith [email protected] 846523698 10-07-2014 23000 Electrical engineering 400
7 James Johnson [email protected] 896523145 11-02-2015 25000 Chemical engineering 600
8 Robert Smith [email protected] 984562368 25-06-2013 22000 Information technology 500
9 Maria Garcia [email protected] 895641236 12-08-2012 14500 Civil Engineering 300
10 Brett Lee [email protected] 756984562 20-06-2013 15000 Chemical engineering 600
11 James Anderson [email protected] 895621455 15-07-2018 35000 Information technology 500
12 Joe Root [email protected] 985641236 22-08-2017 40000 Chemical engineering 600
SELECT first_name
FROM tbl_student
WHERE first_name LIKE '%a%'
AND first_name LIKE '%e%';


Write a query to display the first name of all students who have both an "a" and "e" in their first name
Write a query to display the first name of all students who have both an “a” and “e” in their first name

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