Write a Python program to calculate the sum and average of n integer numbers. Input 0 to finish


Write a Python program to calculate the sum and average of n integer numbers. Input 0 to finish.

I have used python 3.7 compiler for debugging purpose.

print("Input some integers to calculate their sum and average. Input 0 to exit.")
count = 0
sum = 0.0
number = 1
while number != 0:
    number = int(input(""))
    sum = sum + number
    count += 1
if count == 0:
    print("Input some numbers")
    print("Average and Sum of the above numbers are: ", sum / count)


Write a Python program to calculate the sum and average of n integer numbers. Input 0 to finish
Write a Python program to calculate the sum and average of n integer numbers. Input 0 to finish

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