I have used Code::blocks 12 compiler for debugging purpose. But you can use any C programming language compiler as per your availability.
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define SIZE 20 struct bookdetail { char name[20]; char author[20]; int pages; float price; }; void output(struct bookdetail v[],int n); void main() { struct bookdetail b[SIZE]; int num,i; printf("Enter the Numbers of Books:"); scanf("%d",&num); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { printf("\t=:Book %d Detail:=\n",i+1); printf("\nEnter the Book Name:\n"); scanf("%s",b[i].name); printf("Enter the Author of Book:\n"); scanf("%s",b[i].author); printf("Enter the Pages of Book:\n"); scanf("%d",&b[i].pages); printf("Enter the Price of Book:\n"); scanf("%f",&b[i].price); } output(b,num); } void output(struct bookdetail v[],int n) { int i,t=1; for(i=0;i<n;i++,t++) { printf("\n"); printf("Book No.%d\n",t); printf("\t\tBook %d Name is=%s \n",t,v[i].name); printf("\t\tBook %d Author is=%s \n",t,v[i].author); printf("\t\tBook %d Pages is=%d \n",t,v[i].pages); printf("\t\tBook %d Price is=%f \n",t,v[i].price); printf("\n"); } }
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