- Write a java program to print numbers from 1 to 10 using loop
- Write a java program to calculate the sum of first 10 natural number using loop
- Write a Java program to print multiplication table of given number
- Write a Java program to find the factorial value of any number entered through the keyboard
- Write a Java program that prompts the user to input an integer and then outputs the number with the digits reversed order
- Write a Java program that reads a set of integers, and then prints the sum of the even and odd integers using loop
- Write a Java program to check whether the number is a prime number or not
- Write a Java program to calculate HCF of Two given numbers using loop
- Write a Java program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display the count of positive, negative and zeros
- Write a Java program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end the program should display the largest and smallest numbers entered
- Write a Java program to print out all Armstrong numbers between 1 to 600 using loop
- Write a java program to count total number of notes in entered amount using loop
- Write a Java program to print Fibonacci series of n terms where n is input by user using loop
- Write a java program to calculate the sum of following series where n is input by user