List of HTML Basic Exercise with Examples

The purpose of this HTML exercise is to help you practice using HTML tags to create a basic web page.

List of HTML Basic Exercise with Examples
List of HTML Basic Exercise with Examples


  1. How to use comment tags in HTML
  2. What is the correct way to write address in a HTML document
  3. How to create a hyperlink in a HTML document
  4. How to write bold text using HTML tags
  5. How to embed audio in a HTML document
  6. How to use image tag in html
  7. How to author an abbreviation or an acronymn
  8. How to define a section that is quoted from another source in HTML
  9. How to define define a table in HTML
  10. Write a HTML program to print techstudy in greeen color
  11. Write a HTML program to print the numbers 1 – 10, each number being a different color
  12. Write a HTML program to print Each sentence with a different font
  13. Write a HTML program to print techstudy on the screen with every letter being a different heading size
  14. Write a HTML program to print the squares of the numbers 1 to 10 number
  15. How to use pre tag in html
  16. How to define an unordered list in html
  17. How to define an ordered list in HTML
  18. How to underline a text in an HTML document
  19. How to define a multiline input control text area in HTML
  20. How to define superscripted text in HTML
  21. How to define subscripted text in HTML
  22. How to define style information for a document in HTML
  23. How to represent the progress of a task in HTML
  24. How to define an option in a drop-down list in HTML
  25. How to define navigation links in HTML
  26. How to define an alternate content for users that do not support client-side scripts in HTML
  27. How to define highlighted/marked text in HTML
  28. How to create some links to various search engines (google, yahoo, lycos, etc)

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