Write a HTML program to print the numbers 1 – 10, each number being a different color



Write a HTML script to print the numbers 1 – 10, each number being a different color

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
<font color="green">1</font>
<font color="blue">2</font>
<font color="gray">3</font>
<font color="#008080">4</font>
<font color="#0008B">5</font>
<font color="brown">6</font>
<font color="#dcdcdc">7</font>
<font color="#800000">8</font>
<font color="purple">9</font>
<font color="#688e23">10</font></body>


Write a HTML program to print the numbers 1 - 10, each number being a different color
Write a HTML program to print the numbers 1 – 10, each number being a different color

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