C# was developed by Microsoft in 2002. C# development team was lead by Danish software engineer Anders Hejlsberg. This programming Language was designed for Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
The best way to learn C# programming language is by practicing C# examples. All the following C# Language programs on this webpage are tested and should work on all C# Programming Compiler.
The best way to learn C# programming language is by practicing C# examples. All the following C# Language programs on this webpage are tested and should work on all C# Programming Compiler.
List of C# Programs →
C# Language Basic programs with examples
- C# Program to Print “Hello, World!”
- C# Program to Add Two Integers.
- C# Program to Swap Values of Two Variables.
- C# Program to Multiply two Floating Point Numbers
- C# Program to perform all arithmetic operations
- C# Program to convert feet to meter
- C# Program to convert celcius to farenheit
- C# Program to convert farenheit to celcius
- C# Program to find the Size of data types
- C# Program to Print ASCII Value
- C# Program to Calculate Area of Circle
- C# Program to Calculate Area of Square
- C# Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle
- C# Program to convert days to years, weeks and days
List of all conditional programs in c# language
- C# Program to check whether an integer entered by the user is odd or even
- C# Program to find the largest number among three number.
- C# Program to Find the Largest Number using Conditional Operator.
- C# Program to find the Largest among Three Variables using Nested if.
- C# program to check leap year using conditional Operator.
- C# Program to Check whether an alphabet is a vowel or not.
- C# program to check number is positive, negative or zero.
- C# program to check uppercase or lowercase alphabets.
- C# program to check entered character vowel or consonant.
- C# program to check whether a character is alphabet, digit or special character.
- C# program to print day name of week.
- C# program to accept two integers and check whether they are equal or not.
- C# program to detrermine a candidate’s age is eligible for casting the vote or not.
- C# program to find the eligibility of admission for an engineering course based on the criteria.
- C# program to calculate the total marks, percentage and division of student.
- C# program to enter month number and print number of days in month.
- C# program to count total number of notes in entered amount.
- C# program to check whether a triangle can be formed by the given value for the angles.
List of C# Language Loop Programs with Examples
- Write C# program to print alphabets from a to z
- Write C# program to print ASCII values of all characters
- Write C# program to print multiplication table of a given number
- Write C# program to print all natural numbers in reverse order
- Write C# program to print sum of digits enter by user
- Write C# program to find sum of even numbers between 1 to n
- Write C# program to find sum of odd numbers between 1 to n
- Write C# program to swap first and last digit of a number
- Write C# program to find the sum of first and last digit of any number
- Write C# program to find first and last digit of any number
- Write C# program to calculate product of digits of a number
- Write C# program to reverse a number
- Write C# program to calculate power using while & for loop
- Write C# program to find factorial of any number
- Write C# program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not
- Write C# program to find Armstrong numbers between 1 to n
- Write C# program to calculate compound Interest
- Write C# program to check a enter number is Prime number or not using while & for loop
- Write C# program to check whether a number is palindrome or not
- Write C# program to print number in words
- Write C# program to find HCF of two numbers
- Write C# program to find LCM of two numbers
List of Switch case C# programs with an examples
- Write C# program to print number of days in a month using switch case
- Write C# program to print day of week name using switch case
- Write C# program to create calculator using switch Statement
- Write C# program to check even or odd number using switch case
- Write C# program to check vowel or consonant using switch case
- Write C# program to print gender (Male/Female) program according to given M/F.
- Write C# Program to find maximum number using switch case.
List of C# language array programs with an examples
- Write C# Program to get the Length of the Array
- Write C# Program to Convert a 2D Array into 1D Array
- Write C# Program to Demonstrate Jagged Arrays
- Write C# Program to Find Minimum and Maximum of Numbers
- Write a C# program to print all negative elements in an array
- Write C# program to find sum of all elements of an array
- Write C# program to count even and odd elements in an array
- Write C# program to insert an element in array
- Write C# program to print all unique element in an array
- Write C# program to sort an array in ascending order
- Write C# program to copy all elements of one array to another
- Write C# program to count number of each element in an array
- Write C# program to delete all duplicate elements from an array
- Write C# program to count total duplicate elements in an array
- Write C# program to merge two sorted array
- Write C# Program to Find the Average Values of all the Array Elements
- Write C# program to find reverse of an array
- Write a program in C# Sharp to find the second largest element in an array
All function programs in c# with an examples
- Write a C# program to create a user define function with parameter
- Write a C# program to add two numbers using function
- Write a C# program to create a function to input a string and count number of spaces are in the string
- Write a C# program to find even or odd number using function
- Write a C# program to create a function to calculate the sum of the individual digits of a given number
- Write a C# program to create a function to check whether a number is prime or not
- Write a C# program to create a function to display the n number Fibonacci sequence
- Write a C# program to create a function to swap the values of two integer numbers
- Write a C# program to create a recursive function to find the factorial of a given number
- Write a C# program to Print Binary Equivalent of an Integer using Recursion
All LINQ programs in C# with examples
- Write a program in C# to find the positive numbers from a list of numbers using two where conditions in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to display the name of the days of a week in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to create a list of numbers and display the numbers greater than 20 in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to find the number of an array and the square of each number in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to display the top n-th records in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to display the number and frequency of number from given array in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to display the characters and frequency of character from given string in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to find the uppercase words in a string in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to Remove Items from List using remove function by passing object in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to remove a range of items from a list by passing the start index and number of elements to remove in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to generate a Cartesian Product of two sets in LINQ Query
- Write a program in C# to arrange the distinct elements in the list in ascending order in LINQ Query
All String programs in C# with examples
- Write a C# program to accept a string from keyboard and print it
- Write a C# program to Separate the individual characters from a string
- Write a C# program to find the length of a string without using library function
- Write a C# program to count a total number of alphabets, digits and special characters in a string
- Write a C# program to print individual characters of the string in reverse order
- Write a C# program to copy one string to another string
- Write a C# program to count a total number of vowel or consonant in a string
- Write a C# program to find maximum occurring character in a string
- Write a C# program to read a string through the keyboard and sort it using bubble sort
- Write a C# program to sort a string array in ascending order
- Write a C# program to compare (less than, greater than, equal to ) two substrings
- Write a C# program to find the number of times a substring appears in the given string
- Write a C# program to check the username and password
- Write a C# program to read a sentence and replace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa
- Write a C# program to check whether a given substring is present in the given string