250+ C programming examples, exercises and solutions for beginners
C programming examples exercises and solutions for beginners: C Language was originally developed by an American computer scientist Dennis Ritchie between the year 1969 to1973 in Bell Labs, also utilized to re-implement the Unix OS. C Language has now become one of the most frequently used programming languages of all time
Here are Top C Basic programming exercises with detailed solutions and output for improving your coding skills. All the following C Language programs on this webpage are tested and should work on all C Programming Compiler.
All the following C Language programs on this webpage are tested and should work on all C Programming Compiler.
List of C Programs →
C Programming language Basic programs with examples
- C Program to Print “Hello, World!”
- C Program to Add Two Integers.
- C Program to Swap Values of Two Variables.
- C Program to Multiply two Floating Point Numbers
- C Program to perform all arithmetic operations
- C Program to convert feet to meter
- C Program to convert celcius to farenheit
- C Program to convert farenheit to celcius
- C Program to find the Size of data types
- C Program to Print ASCII Value
- C Program to Calculate Area of Circle
- C Program to Calculate Area of Square
- C Program to Calculate Area of Rectangle
- C Program to convert days to years, weeks and days
List of C language string programs
- C program to concatenate two strings
- C program to find string length
- C program to convert a string to lower case
- C program to convert a string to upper case
- C program to change string to upper case without strupr
- C program to Change string to lower case without strlwr
- C program to reverse a string enter by user
- C Program to count number of alphabets, digits and special characters in string
- C program to compare two strings using strcmp
- C Program to Count number of Lowercase and Uppercase Letters
List of all conditional programs in c language
- C Program to check whether an integer entered by the user is odd or even
- C Program to find the largest number among three number.
- C Program to Find the Largest Number using Conditional Operator.
- C Program to find the Largest among Three Variables using Nested if.
- C program to check leap year using conditional Operator.
- C program to check alphabets using conditional operator.
- C program to check number is positive, negative or zero.
- C program to check uppercase or lowercase alphabets.
- C program to check entered character vowel or consonant.
- C program to check whether a character is alphabet, digit or special character.
- C program to print day name of week.
- C program to accept two integers and check whether they are equal or not.
- C program to detrermine a candidate’s age is eligible for casting the vote or not.
- C program to find the eligibility of admission for an engineering course based on the criteria.
- C program to calculate the total marks, percentage and division of student.
- C program to enter month number and print number of days in month.
- C program to count total number of notes in entered amount.
- C program to check whether a triangle can be formed by the given value for the angles.
List of C Language Loop Programs with Examples
- Write C program to print alphabets from a to z
- Write C program to print ASCII values of all characters
- Write C program to print multiplication table of a given number
- Write a C program to print all natural numbers in reverse order
- Write a C program to print sum of digits enter by user
- Write C program to find sum of even numbers between 1 to n
- Write C program to find sum of odd numbers between 1 to n
- Write C program to swap first and last digit of a number
- Write C program to find the sum of first and last digit of any number
- Write C program to find first and last digit of any number
- Write C program to calculate product of digits of a number
- Write C program to reverse a number using while & for loop
- Write C program to calculate power using while & for loop
- Write C program to find factorial of any number
- Write a C program to check whether a number is Armstrong number or not
- Write C program to find Armstrong numbers between 1 to n
- Write a C program to calculate compound Interest
- Write a C program to check a enter number is Prime number or not using while & for loop
- Write a C program to check whether a number is palindrome or not
- Write C program to print number in words
- Write C program to find HCF of two numbers
- Write C program to find LCM of two numbers
List of Switch case programs with an examples
- Write C program to print number of days in a month using switch case
- Write C program to print day of week name using switch case
- Write C program to create calculator using switch Statement
- Write C program to check even or odd number using switch case
- Write C program to check vowel or consonant using switch case
- Write C program to print gender (Male/Female) program according to given M/F.
- Write C Program to find maximum number using switch case.
List of c language function and recursion programming exercises
- Write C program to check even or odd using functions
- Write C to check prime and armstrong numbers using function
- Write C program to find cube of a number using function
- Write C Program to convert binary number to decimal
- Write C Program to convert decimal number to binary using function
- Write C program to find Length of the String by passing String/Character
- Write C program to print all strong numbers between 2 numbers
- Write C program to find prime numbers in given range using functions
- Write C program to find diameter, circumference and area of circle using function
- Write C program to print perfect numbers between given interval using function
- Write C program to find power of a number using recursion
- Write C program to find sum of natural numbers in given range using recursion
- Write C program to print even or odd numbers in given range using recursion
- Write C program to find reverse of a number using recursion
- Write C program to find LCM of two numbers using recursion
- Write C program to find HCF of two numbers using recursion
- Write C program to print elements of array using recursion
- Write C program to find sum of array elements using recursion
- Write C program to generate nth fibonacci term using recursion
- Write C program to find factorial of a number using recursion
- Write C program to check palindrome number using recursion
- Write C program to find maximum and minimum elements in array using recursion
List of C language Pointer Exercise
- Write C program to swap two numbers using pointers
- Write C program to add two numbers using pointers
- Write C program input and print array elements using pointer
- Write C program to change the value of constant integer using pointers
- Write C program to find length of string using pointer
- Write C program to copy one string to another string using pointer
- Write C program to concatenate two strings using pointer
- Write C program to read array elements and print the value with the addresses
List of C language array programs with an examples
- Write a C program to print all negative elements in an array
- Write C program to count total number of negative elements in array
- Write a C program to read and print elements of array
- Write C program to find sum of all elements of an array
- Write C program to count even and odd elements in an array
- Write C program to find maximum and minimum element in array
- Write C program to insert an element in array
- Write C program to print all unique element in an array
- Write C program to sort an array in ascending order
- Write C program to copy all elements of one array to another
- Write C program to count number of each element in an array
- Write C program to delete all duplicate elements from an array
- Write C program count total duplicate elements in an array
- Write C program to merge two sorted array
- Write C program to put even and odd elements of array in two separate array
- Write C program to find reverse of an array
- Write C program to left rotate an array
- Write C program to right rotate an array
List of C language matrix programs with an examples
- Write C Program to Add Two Matrices
- Write C Program to Multiply Two Matrices
- Write C Program to check whether two matrices are equal or not
- Write C Program to Find the Transpose of a given Matrix
- Write C Program to Find sum of each row and columns of a matrix
- Write C Program to Find the Frequency of Odd & Even Numbers in the given Matrix
- Write C Program C program to interchange diagonals of a matrix
All structure programs with examples
- Write a C program to Store Information in Structure and Display it
- Write a C Program to add two distances in inch-feet system using Structure
- Write a C Program to Calculate Difference Between Two Time Periods
- Write a C program to demonstrate example of Nested Structure
- Write a C program to demonstrate example of structure pointer
- Write a C program to calculate percentage of student using structure
- Write a C program to create Book Details using structure
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Number pattern programs in c language
Star Pattern in c Programming language
All Alphabet programs with examples
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