- Write a Swift program to print ‘Hello World!’
- Write a Swift program to compute the sum of the two integers
- Write a Swift program that accept 2 integer values and return true if one of them is 30 or if their sum is 30
- Write a Swift program to test whether a value presents sequentially three times in an array of integers or not
- Write a Swift program to count the number of times that two 4’s are next to each other in a given array of integers
- Write a Swift program to convert the last three characters in upper case
- Write a Swift program to test whether the last digit of the two given integer values are same or not
- Write a Swift program to find the largest number among three given integers
- Write a Swift program to compute the sum of all the elements of a given array
- Write a Swift program to check if a given array of integers contains 4 twice, or 8 twice
- Write a Swift program to test if an array of integers contains a 4 or a 8
- Write a Swift program to find the larger value of a given array of integers and set all the other elements with that value
- Write a Swift program that accept two strings and return their concatenation, except the first char of each string
- Write a Swift program to move the last two characters of a given string to the start string
- Write a Swift program to test if a given string starts with “test”
- Write a Swift program to draw a HTML string as bold or italic text
- Write a Swift program to insert a given string to another given string where the second string will be in the middle of the first string
- Write a Swift program to return the first half of a given string of even length
- Write a Swift program to create a string made of two copies of the last two characters of a given string
- Write a Swift program to rotate the elements of an array of integers to left direction